About Me

The Home Loan Chaplain

Husband, Father, Mortgage Lender, Chaplain.

Our upbringing has a profound impact on our life depending on how we view it.  It can certainly influence how we treat others.  Growing up in a family that constantly faced financial challenges inspired a deep-rooted work ethic and an equally uncompromising faith in the Lord.  My role as a youth and young adult leader in my church was followed by my decision to become a chaplain in the US Army.

The demands in my roles as a chaplain in the National Guard and as a loan officer are so similar.  Both require counseling in finances, relationships, and dealing with the anxieties of dealing with important decisions in our daily lives.  People seek unbiased and trustworthy guidance that they can rely upon.  My life’s lessons and my choices along the way prepared me for the ministries in both the clerical and the business world.  What a unique combination and it was never by chance.   That’s a unique benefit that my customers can expect and will receive from their loan officer.

More About Me

Guiding and managing the loan process for customers is more than interest rates and numbers.  Purchasing a home is the third highest stressor which involves the seventh highest stressor, decisions involving money.  My experience as an Army Chaplain prepared me well in my role as a loan officer.  So often, it is necessary to advise my customers to focus on the joy of the important milestone occurring in their lives.  I encourage them to enjoy the moment and rely upon my knowledge and skills to make the process seamless.   I tell them that we don’t need two parties to worry about the loan process so leave it to me because I can worry with the best.    


Conventional business wisdom suggests that you don’t mix religion and business.  That’s one rule that I am compelled to ignore.  My role as an Army Chaplain is not one that I leave on the base and enter the business world.  My customers have taught me that they appreciate my business approach because they want a loan officer that they can trust and rely upon.  My faith is no guarantee that I will not make mistakes, but it does guarantee that if I do, they will be honest mistakes.  Customers who choose me to handle their financing needs can be assured that their interest comes first.

Daily I watch and hear customers struggling to make the right decision when choosing the best home and financing option.  Often, they turn to me as their loan officer and ask me for my opinion.  I find it interesting when they tell me that since I am an Army Chaplain, I should have unique access to the Lord.  I tell them that we have an old saying in Seneca, SC which is best that I can offer is that “from our mouth to God’s ears.”  I wish that I had a staff that could strike waters and bring forth water, but I am just a good old boy who does his best to help his customers to make informed decisions.  I may not be perfect, but my customers can trust me.  They will not be alone throughout the process and they will have a reliable partner.    


My childhood family life was not idyllic and for a long time, I viewed it negatively.  But as I matured and, especially after choosing the ministry as an Army Chaplain, I discovered those experiences prepared me well for my role as a loan officer.  Although a home does not guarantee a happy home life, it does provide a significant foundation that can increase the chances.  As I guide customers through the loan process, my childhood experiences provide me with the wisdom to remind customers what is truly important in life.  It is the same advice that I offer to those serving our country. Decisions are never made based on one criterion, and I view that an important part of my role is to help others maintain their focus on what really matters.